Fight Your Traffic Ticket With Experienced Traffic Ticket AttorneysFight Your Traffic Ticket With Experienced Traffic Ticket Attorneys
Whether you were pulled over for speeding, running a red light, or failing to signal, traffic violations carry serious consequences. They can result in significant fines, points on your license, and insurance rate increases. In addition, they can jeopardize your job if you drive for a living or are insured by your employer. The best way to minimize these consequences is to fight your ticket or work with an experienced attorney.
Legal Expertise
Traffic Ticket Attorneys in New York City are complex and full of nuances, exceptions, and procedural requirements that can trip up the untrained. An experienced lawyer can identify the issues in your case and build a strong defense.
Fighting a traffic ticket requires the submission of paperwork, evidence, and a court appearance. Having a traffic attorney represent you can save you time, reduce your stress level, and increase the likelihood of getting the ticket dismissed or penalties reduced.
Reduced Penalties
A good traffic lawyer can negotiate to lower or eliminate your fines and prevent points from being added to your record. They can also help to minimize the impact on your insurance rates, preventing those skyrocketing premiums that often cost more than the original fine.
All contested traffic tickets in Manhattan are adjudicated at the TVB (Traffic Violations Bureau), which runs hearing centers in two locations. When you fight a ticket you must respond by the deadline and request a hearing. An Administrative Law Judge will then hear testimony from both the police officer and you. An attorney can prepare you for the hearing, properly cross-examine the officer, and present legal arguments that increase your chances of a Not Guilty finding.