
Michigan Spirits and Liquor Brands

Michigan Spirits and Liquor is known for its spectacular beers and wines, but local distilleries are quickly building a reputation for producing remarkable spirits as well. From vodka to gin to whiskey and beyond, our state’s spirits brands are making it easy for consumers to add a splash of locally crafted spirit to their favorite cocktails.

As is often the case, vodka is a staple in nearly every local distillery’s portfolio. But there’s plenty of variation in the types of grains used to make it—along with a range of processes and aging techniques. The result is that no two vodkas truly taste alike, making them perfect for mixing in cocktails.

Michigan Spirits and Liquor: Tradition Meets Innovation

In fact, a few of our local distillers are making their own versions of the popular Caribbean drink. Bier Distillery uses sugar cane molasses to create their rum, while Grand River and Long Road distillers use the juice of local sugar beets for theirs.

With a little creativity and a few key ingredients, you can easily turn any vodka into the perfect martini or mojito. Of course, you can also serve it neat or as the base for a cocktail that’s a bit more adventurous, like the Michigan Sour Apple or the Richard Scott.

Vodka continues to be a top seller in Michigan, accounting for about one-third of the state’s spirits sales. But sales of other spirits categories—like gin, whiskey and cordials/liqueurs—are growing at a much faster rate. With a variety of licenses—including the Seller of Beer/Mixed Spirit Drink/Wine/Self-Distributor, Continuing Care Retirement Center and Home for the Aged—available in Michigan, there’s a lot of room for beverage alcohol brands to thrive in the state.

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